Navigation: Teller System > CIM GOLDTeller Overview > Setup Requirements >
The functions and options in GOLDTeller are controlled by security on the Security > Setup screen in CIM GOLD. Security is the first requirement to enable access to GOLDTeller functions.
Security is generally set up by your institution's security administrator and should be coordinated with them. The steps outlined here are for reference for your security administrator.
1. |
Subscribe to GOLDTeller in Mini-Applications. Make sure your institution has subscribed to GOLDTeller on the Security > Subscribe to Mini-Applications screen. For more information on how this is done, see Other > Security in CIM GOLD > Security Screens > Subscribe to Mini-Applications section on DocsOnWeb. You will also need to subscribe to the other screens under the Teller System: File Functions, Operator Information, Electronic Transaction Journal, and Reports. |
2. |
Set up System security for security administrators and tellers.
This step is for your security administrators or officers who need to make changes to transactions in CIM GOLDTeller. Before you can access certain functions and features in CIM GOLDTeller, you must have access to those features. Using the Security > Setup screen, select yourself in the list of employees and then access the System tab. You should select the Maintain radio button for each of the features applicable to your security authorization. For a description of each of these features, see the GOLDTeller Security Features section. Note: Some of these options should be set up for all tellers. Those options are designated with a |
3. |
Set up the employee/profile with security.
This step is for security administrators setting up other employees or profiles. You must first set up the employee with security on the Security > Setup screen. If you want that employee to be connected with a profile, then assign a profile to the employee using the System Profile Membership and CIM GOLD Profile Membership list view tables on the bottom of the Employee tab. For more information on how to set up an employee or profile, see the Security in CIM GOLD > Security Screens > Setup Screen > Employee tab topic on DocsOnWeb. The employee number must be activated within 24 hours or the password will need to be reset. |
4. |
Set up the employee as a teller.
Now the employee can be assigned as a teller. This is both the host teller setup and operator file setup. Teller setup is required for employees to have CIM GOLDTeller access, Platform, and other remote overrides. For more information on how to set up a teller, see the Deposits > Deposits in CIM GOLD > Deposit Screens > Definitions > Teller Information Screen topic on DocsOnWeb. |
5. |
Set up the Operators.dat file.
The final step is to make sure the teller you set up in step 4 above is also set up on the Opers.dat file, as explained in the Operators.dat File topic. All tellers at a branch or office must be set up to point to this Opers.dat file. |
Now the teller can access the CIM GOLDTeller screen and run transactions. The first time logging into CIM GOLDTeller for the day, the transactions and fields may take some time to load, but usually less than 3 minutes. After that, CIM GOLDTeller runs very quickly.