Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view >

History Detail Screen

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view >

History Detail Screen

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This screen displays detailed information about a selected deposit transaction item. This screen is accessed by double-clicking on a transaction in the History list view on the Deposits > Account Information > History screen.



History Detail Screen, accessed from the Deposits > Account Information > History Screen


Click <Previous> or <Next> to pull up information for the chronologically previous or next transaction in the list view. Click <Save Changes> to save any changes made to the selected transaction from this screen. Use <Page Setup>, <Print Preview>, and <Print> to establish printer settings (such as page layout and margin preferences), view a print preview, and print the information on this screen.


The Check Number field displays the check number of the inclearing check presented by the customer as payment on the account. The Trace Number displays the GOLDPoint Systems

trace number for the check transaction.


Transaction Date and Time field group


Transaction Type and Description field group


Transaction Credentials field group


Override Information field group


Transaction Amounts list view


File Maintenance Data list view

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