Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view > History Detail Screen >

Transaction Credentials field group

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view > History Detail Screen >

Transaction Credentials field group

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This field group displays credential information for the history item selected in the History list view on the Deposits > Account Information > History screen. These fields are not file maintainable.




The information conveyed in this field group is as follows:






Mnemonic: DZFPS

This field indicates whether the selected history item was performed by a GOLDPoint Systems employee.



Mnemonic: DZEMPX

The teller or employee number of the person who performed the selected history item. Certain symbols included in this column convey additional information about the history item:


* - Memo transaction


@ - Linked check image (If GOLDPoint Systems does not print your statements and you still want this image indicator set, Institution Option SIMG must be enabled). To use the imaged statement option (the Imaged Account? field on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen is marked), contact GOLDPoint Systems to designate a third-party check image processor and enable the necessary system features. For a current list of vendors available for this service, see Ancillary Services in the Other section in DocsOnWeb. If GOLDPoint Systems processes your imaged statements (institution option OPTU FIMG), only Statement Cycle codes 102-131 (from the Account Information screen) can be used with imaged accounts. To learn more about imaged statements, see help for the Deposits > Account Information > Check Imaging screen. Imaged statement features can be adjusted for individual customer accounts in the Image Fields field group on the Deposits > Account Information > Statement Fields screen.


& - Memo transaction and linked check image



Mnemonic: DZTRNM

The VTAM ID of the user computer that processed the selected history item.



Mnemonic: DZSKPS

This field indicates whether the selected history item is included on the history statement. This option can be adjusted in the Skip column on the History list view and the process for printing statements is explained on the History screen main help page.

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