Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view > History Detail Screen >

Transaction Date and Time field group

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view > History Detail Screen >

Transaction Date and Time field group

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This field group displays date and time information for the history item selected in the History list view on the Deposits > Account Information > History screen. These fields are not file maintainable.




The information displayed in this field group is as follows:




Switch Date


Mnemonic: WKSWDT

The date the customer account was opened in CIM GOLD.



Mnemonic: DZTRND

The date the selected history item occurred.

As of Date


Mnemonic: DZDTOF

The date the selected history item went into effect (if applicable). This is the date that appears on the History screen and on customer statements/passbooks.

Last File Maintenance


Mnemonic: DZDTFM

The date of the most recent action taken on the selected history item.

Switch Time


Mnemonic: WKSWTM

The time of day the customer account was opened in CIM GOLD.



Mnemonic: DZTIME

The time of day the selected history item occurred.

Recurring ATM/POS?


Mnemonic: DZRCUR

This field indicates whether the history item is a recurring ATM/POS transaction.



Mnemonic: DZEMPN

The teller or employee number of the person who performed the history item.

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