Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view > History Detail Screen >

Transaction Type and Description field group

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > History Screen > History list view > History Detail Screen >

Transaction Type and Description field group

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This field group contains category information for the history item selected in the History list view on the Deposits > Account Information > History screen.


The text box fields contain Description information. This will be either the transaction's default description (customized by tellers) or its ATM/POS description. This information can be edited for individual history items. The other fields in this field group are not file maintainable.




The information displayed in this field group is as follows:






Mnemonic: DZTCOD

The transaction code number of the selected history item. See the Transaction Code help page to learn more about transaction codes.



Mnemonic: DZTMOD

The modifier number of the Transaction code, if a modifier was used on the selected history item.



Mnemonic: DZTORC

The transaction origination code number of the selected history item. See the Transaction Origination Code help page to learn more about transaction origination codes.



Mnemonic: WK1CL3

The transaction type of the history item, if the history item is a transaction. Possible transaction types are:


Csh - Cash Transactions

Chk - Check Transactions

Jnl - Journal Transactions

ACH - ACH Transactions

ATM - ATM Transactions

COR - Corrected Transactions

FTM - Foreign ATM Transactions

PRF - Proof Processing

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