Navigation:  Dealer System >

Options Screen

Navigation:  Dealer System >

Options Screen

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Using the Options screen within the Dealer System in CIM GOLD, you can set plan, dealer, account, and file services options that affect what appears on the rest of the Dealer System screens and dialogs. You can also select what entities are used throughout the Dealer System.


In most cases, an administrator at your institution will set these options for your institution during the initial setup of the Dealer System. However, you can change these options at any time.


This screen allows you to:

Select the entities used

Select the file services options

Set up account options

Set up dealer options

Set up plan options

Set up third parties




Additional Information


For an example of this screen and definitions of each of the fields on this screen, see the Options Screen Details section.


This screen is accessed by going to Dealer System > Options in the CIM GOLD tree view.


See also:

Options Screen Details

Dealer System


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