Navigation:  Dealer System > Options Screen >

Set up Account Options

Navigation:  Dealer System > Options Screen >

Set up Account Options

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You can use the Account Options fields on the Dealer System > Options screen to set up account options that affect Accounts Payable and General Ledger. These options enable you to pay your vendors through an expense General Ledger.


To set up account options:


1.Navigate to the Dealer System > Options screen in CIM GOLD.

2.Check the Update AP Vendors field to update the Accounts Payable (AP) vendors with the information you enter in the AP Client and Expense GL fields.

3.Enter the Accounts Payable client number in the AP Client field.

4.Enter the account number to use in the Expense GL fields.

5.Once you have finished setting up the account options, click <Save> to apply the new options.


Account Options Field Group

Account Options Field Group


See also:

Options Screen

Options Screen Details

Dealer System


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