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Paid Amounts field group

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Paid Amounts field group

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The following fields are found in the Paid Amounts field group on the Late NSF tab of the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen.



Note: See help for the Collect Late Charges When Current field for detailed information about collecting late charges for the current month when payments are more than one month past due.


See also Special Late Charge Assessment and Grading for information about special late charge assessment and grading.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Lifetime Late Charges Collected


Mnemonic: LNLLTC

This field contains the total late charges collected over the life of the loan. It is updated each time a late charge is assessed or reversed.



Note: Institution Option KLLT will prevent the Lifetime Late Charges Collected field from being cleared when performing the Judgment transaction (tran code 2510-02) or when the Bankruptcy transaction is run.

Interim Late Charges


Mnemonic: MRCLCC

This field only displays information if Institution Option DOPT DLQG is enabled. This field stores an accumulated amount of late charges collected over a period of time. When late charges are collected with a payment (600) transaction, this field will be updated by the amount of the late charge collected.


This field only updates with a payment if the selected loan's Payment Frequency is 13 or less. A pay late charge (550) transaction will also update this field. This field is cleared whenever any of the following occur:


An Interest-Only transaction (2600-03) is run.

A Judgment transaction (2510-02) is run.

A CP2 (Exception) transaction (2600-00) is run.

The selected loan is brought current.


This field is used in conjunction with the Applied to Payment field during the grading process (see Special Late Charge Assessment and Grading for more information).


See also:

Special Late Charge Assessment and Grading

Special Delinquency Calculations for Consumer Loans

Interim Paid Amount


Mnemonic: MRAMPA

This field appears in Loans > History when its value changes. See below for more information:



See also:

Late Charges field group

Late Charges Options field group

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