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Group Information tab

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Investor Group Screen >

Group Information tab

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Use this tab to view and edit information about the investor group being created/edited.



Loans > Investor Reporting > Investor Group Screen, Group Information Tab


The Name of the investor selected in the Investor list view and the Group number of the group selected in the Group list view are displayed on the top left corner of each tab on this screen (mnemonic IMNAM/IGGRP).


The fields on this tab are as follows:




Date of Sale


Mnemonic: IGDOS

Use this field to indicate the date of sale for the investor group being created/edited. This date will be used for the beginning date of the first cutoff report if the Cycle Start Date field is left blank.


The value entered in this field will be automatically entered in the Pledge or Sale Date field on the Loans > Investor Reporting > Service Released screen if a loan assigned to the group is being service released.

Portion Sold


Mnemonic: IGPSL

Use this field to indicate the the percentage sold to the investor for the group being created/edited.


Up to five decimal places can be specified in this field. The value in this field is copied to the Portion Sold field on the Loans > Investor Reporting > Loan Investor Fields screen for each loan. Information entered on that screen overrides information entered in this field for the selected customer loan.

Guaranteed Rate


Mnemonic: IGGRT

Use this field to indicate the guaranteed yield rate promised to the investor on the group being created/edited. See below for more information.


Security Interest Rate


Mnemonic: IGSIR

Use this field to indicate the interest rate on securities issued that are backed by the investor group being created/edited (e.g. the mortgage backed bond rate).


When there are multiple security interest rates on loans in the same pool, a weighted average rate is calculated by multiplying the Guaranteed Rate (above) on each loan by the beginning security balance of the loan. This total is divided by the total of all loan beginning security balances of in the pool to calculate a weighted average.

Seller Servicer Number


Mnemonic: IGSS#

Use this field to indicate the investor-defined number assigned to your institution as the seller/servicer of the group being created/edited.



WARNING: For loans reported by tape, it is very important that the number you enter be exactly the same for all groups in the file.

Pool/Package Number


Mnemonic: IGPP#

Use this field to indicate the pool, package, or group number that the investor has assigned to the loan sale for the group being created/edited.



WARNING: For loans reported by tape, this value must be entered exactly as the investor expects it.

FNMA/GNMA Guaranteed Rate


Mnemonic: IGGIR

Use this field to indicate the rate paid to the issuer for accepting foreclosure responsibility for the loan package on the group being created/edited. Up to five decimal places can be specified in this field.

GNMA Reporting Code


Mnemonic: IGRCD

Use this field to indicate the reporting code needed for the GNMA Investor Report (and GNMA tape) for the investor group being created/edited. See GNMA Reporting Codes for more information.

Transfer to Custodial


Mnemonic: IGTCS

Use this field to indicate which loan transactions for the group being created/edited should be transferred to a custodial account (such as an investor checking account). See below for more information.


Remittance field group

See Remittance field group for more information.

Cutoff and Reports field group

See Cutoff and Reports field group for more information.

Service Fee field group



Use this field group to view and edit service fee information for the investor group being created/edited. See below for more information.


Cycle field group

See Cycle field group for more information.

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