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Check Retrieve Parameters field group

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Check Retrieve Parameters field group

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The fields in the Check Retrieve Parameters field group on the Checks screen are used to limit the checks shown in the list view below. Enter your search parameters, then click <Retrieve>. Each time you select a new format or status, you will need to retrieve the data.


Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen > Check Retrieve Parameters Field Group

Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen > Check Retrieve Parameters Field Group


The fields in this field group are as follows:




Check Type

Use this field to select the Check Type. Valid selections are: Reserve or Funding.



Tip: An institution option is available that will default an entry in this field (either Funding or Reserves). Contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager and have them set up option CPDT (Check Print Default Type).


If "R" is in that option, the Check Type field will default to "Reserve."

If "F" is in that option, the Check Type field will default to "Funding."


If you want to filter your results by office number, enter the office number in this field. For example, if you are responsible for printing checks for your office, you would enter the office number in this field (along with the other fields in this field group) before clicking <Retrieve>. The system will return all matching check records.


Before you can print checks using this screen, check formats must be set up with specifications for the checks your institution uses. For most users, this will have been done in advance to using this screen. You will still need to select the proper format from the Format field in the Check Retrieve Parameters field group.


Certain formats can only be used for certain Check Types:


Check Format 15 is only used for Funding checks.

Check Formats 2 and 4 are only used with Reserve checks.

oFormat 2 is for automatic check disbursements.

oFormat 4 is for excess checks generated from Account Reserve Analysis. When the system runs reserve analysis (usually yearly), and the reserve balance after creating reserve disbursements is greater than any options set up, the excess amount in the reserve balance can be sent back to the account owner in the form of a check. See help for the Reserve Analysis and Reserve Analysis Options screens for more information.


If you are responsible for setting up check formats, review the help on the Loans > Check Printing > Check Format Setup screen and make sure to set up Check Format 15 for funding checks and Check Formats 2 and 4 for reserve checks.


Example: Your institution needs two types of reserve checks depending on who the reserve check is being sent to.


You name Check Format 2, "Disbursements." That way your users will instantly know to use that check format when printing reserve checks being sent to companies or agents. They would also need to use the correct printer and check stock, so the check is printed correctly.


You name Check Format 4, "Surplus Check." That way your users know to use that check format when printing surplus reserve checks for account owners when their end-of-year reserve balance is more than options specify. They would also need to use the correct printer and check paper, so the check is printed correctly.


A check status indicates at what stage the check is at in the check printing process. After you select a Format, you must select what status of checks to view.


The following statuses are available:


New—These are new funding checks, reserve disbursements, or surplus reserve checks that have been sent to the Check Printing system. These check records have not yet been printed or voided. You can print a check for these records, as explained in the Print Checks topic. You cannot delete or void a New check record, nor can you print a Check Register report. After a check is printed, the status automatically becomes "Printed."


Printed—These are funding, reserve disbursements, or surplus reserve checks that have been printed but have not been sent to Check Reconciliation. You can reprint these checks as many times as necessary; however, after a check has been sent to Check Reconciliation it cannot be reprinted.


Voided—These are funding, reserve disbursements, or surplus reserve checks that have been voided. See the Void a Check topic for more information.


ACH Pending/Sent/Voided - For institutions who use the ACH Funding option, these selections are used for viewing ACH funding information. See the linked help for more information about this option.

Start and End Date

These fields are useful if you want to filter check record results based on dates.


For example, if you are responsible for printing new checks everyday, you would enter today's date in the Start Date and End Date fields before clicking <Retrieve>. On Monday, after a weekend, you should probably change the date range to include Saturday and Sunday's dates, along with today's date, before clicking <Retrieve>.



Before any check records appear in the list view below this field group, you must enter parameters in these fields before clicking <Retrieve>.

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