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Uncollected Funds Options field group

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Uncollected Funds Options field group

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Use this field group to view and edit information about uncollected funds (UCF) options on the customer deposit account.


Uncollected funds are designated into three categories in the GOLDPoint Systems program, and there are three option types used to determine UCF calculation. To learn more about these categories and options, see the Uncollected Funds Types and Options help page. UCF are set up on customer accounts from the Uncollected Funds and Deposit Delay tab of the Deposits > Account Information > Funds Holds screen as well as this field group.




The Account Uses Uncollected Funds checkbox field (mnemonic DMDUCF) must be marked in order to use the other checkbox fields in this field group. The other fields in this field group are as follows:




Enforce Uncollected Funds Holds


Mnemonic: DMDSFH

Use this field to indicate whether uncollected funds (UCF) holds should be enforced on the customer account. See below for more information.


Extend Uncollected Funds Holds


Mnemonic: DMDSEH

Use this field to indicate whether uncollected funds holds should be extended on the customer account. This field is generally used to place funds holds on accounts that have a history of bounced checks, fraudulent activity, etc.

New Account Uncollected Funds Holds


Mnemonic: DMDSNH

Use this field to indicate whether the customer account is a new account on which uncollected funds (UCF) holds will be enforced. See below for more information


Show if Drawn on Uncollected Funds


Mnemonic: DMSHUF

Use this field to indicate whether every inclearing check written on the customer account will draw on uncollected funds (UCF). If this field is marked, the afterhours process will send any check drawn on uncollected funds to the GOLD ExceptionManager application with a warning that it is drawn on uncollected funds. See the GOLD ExceptionManager User's Guide in DocsOnWeb for more information about this application.

Pay Interest on Uncollected Funds


Mnemonic: DMIUCF

Use this field to indicate whether the system calculates and pays interest on the amount of uncollected funds (UCF) on the customer account. If this field is marked, interest will accrue on the deposited amount, even if some or all of the amount is on hold. If this field is left blank, UCF are not included when calculating the account's earned interest until the funds are no longer on hold.

Unspecified Hold Expires Today


Mnemonic: DMDSUT

Use this field to indicate whether an unspecified hold on this account expires today. If an amount is entered in the Unspecified Hold Amount teller field during a transaction, that hold will expire at the end of the present day if this field is left blank. If this field is marked, the hold remains on the funds until you remove the mark in this field.

Average Uncollected Funds


Mnemonic: DMAUNC

This field contains the average uncollected funds (UCF) for the customer account during the present cycle.

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