Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Additional Fields Screen >

Additional Fields tab

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Additional Fields Screen >

Additional Fields tab

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Use this tab to view and edit information about basic options on the customer deposit account.


Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen, Additional fields tab

Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen, Additional fields tab


Use the Last Customer Contact Date field to indicate the most recent date the customer was contacted. This field is automatically updated when any non-system monetary transaction is processed (in GOLDTeller) on the customer account. This field is used to determine if the account is inactive or dormant. To learn more, see the Retention Periods field group.


The Cycle Start Date field displays the starting date for the current statement cycle. It is used by fee calculation routines and indicates where statement processing starts history for customer account statements. This field is updated by the system automatically as part of statement processing. If your institution requires manual adjustment of this field, use the Next Cycle Start Date field to change the ending date of the current cycle. The statement will include transactions up to, but not including, the date entered in this field. Also, the next statement will begin on this date. The data entered in this field is automatically moved to the Cycle Start Date field during statement processing.


The cycle start date is used by service charge calculation routines (as set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Service Charges screen and applied to the account on the Deposits > Account Information > Service Charge Fields screen) and indicates where history ends for the current statement. It is updated by the system automatically as part of statement processing. Care should be used when manually adjusting this field so as not to skip history on a customer's statement.


Use the Statement Cycle field to indicate when the system should produce statements on the customer account. See Statement Cycle information to learn more.


The field groups on this tab are as follows:


Balance and Limit Information field group


Uncollected Funds Options field group


Account Options field group


Retention Periods field group


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