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Transaction Options Screen

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Transaction Options Screen

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The Transaction Options screen is used to modify transactions to your institution's specifications. Transactions can be run through CIM GOLDTeller, automatically in the afterhours, via your website, when interest rates are changed, and when activity takes place on accounts.



Deposits > Definitions > Transaction Options Screen


Not every institution uses transactions in the same way. For example, some institutions may want additional security anytime a transaction would take the account negative. Another institution may want new fee descriptors. Therefore, this screen will help further define how transactions work.


This screen has three tabs:


Descriptor Code Setup

Transaction Condition Overrides

Transaction Override


See the details of those tab for more information. You may also want to review the CIM GOLDTeller User's Guide for options you can set up in CIM GOLDTeller to tailor transactions to your institution's needs. See the following topics in that guide for more information:


Transaction Design

Transaction Entry Options

Field Properties Screen

Creating a drop-list field

Copying Transactions



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