Navigation:  Dealer System >

Products Screen

Navigation:  Dealer System >

Products Screen

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Use the Dealer System Products screen to establish and maintain the products to be financed. After products are established on this screen, the information is sent to GOLDTrak PC and eGOLDTrak for your dealers.


Using the Products Screen you can:

Add or modify relationships

Create a new product

Edit a product

Search for a product



Additional Information


See the Products Screen Details section for more information about all of the fields and buttons on this screen.



Security Access
You must have proper security to access this screen and make changes to any products. Security is set up using the following steps:


1.Access the Security > Setup screen.

2.Select the employee you want to set up security for in the Employees list view.

3.Click the CIM GOLD tab.

4.Click the arrow next to Dealer System to reveal all the security in the Dealer System.

5.Select the Maintain radio button for Plans.

6.Click <Save Changes>.

See Also:

Products Screen Details

Dealer System


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