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Edit a Product

Navigation:  Dealer System > Products Screen >

Edit a Product

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You can edit products for the dealer system using the Products screen.


Edit a Product

To edit a product, complete the following steps:

1.Search for a product by entering your desired search parameters and clicking <Search by Name> or <Search by Number>.

If you are searching for products matching a general description, enter your search criteria in the Search field and click <Search by Name>. For example, you could enter "arctic" and the system would find all plans with arctic in the name.

If you want to search for a product number, enter the number of the product in the Search field and click <Search by Number>.

2.Select a product from the Products list view.

3.Edit any of the fields in the Product Details field group.

4.Modify the fields in the Field and Value field group. Note: The Field and Value field group remains blank if there are no Field and Value fields set up for the product type.

5.You can also add new relationships or modify the existing relationships tied to the product.

6.Once all of your changes have been made, click <Save>.


See Also:

Products Screen

Products Screen Details

Search for a Product

Add or Modify Relationships



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