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Add or Modify Relationships

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Add or Modify Relationships

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Using the <Relationships> button on the Products screen you can add or remove dealers, products, manufacturers, etc. to or from the product selected in the Products list view.

Add a Relationship to a Product

Remove a Relationship from a Product


Add a Relationship to a Product

To add a dealer, manufacturer, plan, etc. to a product, complete the following steps:

1.Search for a product by entering your desired search parameters and clicking <Search by Name> or <Search by Number>.

2.Select a product from the Products list view.

3.Click on the <Relationships> button to view the Edit Relationships dialog.


Edit Relationships Dialog

Edit Relationships Dialog


4.Use the Entity drop-down list to view the dealers, products, manufacturers, etc. currently tied to the product.

5.Select the type of relationships that you wish to modify from the Entity drop-down list (Dealer, Manufacturer, Plan, etc.). The Edit Relationships dialog displays all of the dealers, manufacturers, plans, etc. currently tied to the product, depending on the relationship selected in the Entity drop-down list.  

6.Click <Add> to open the Select Relationship for Product dialog.


Select Relationship For Product Dialog

Select Relationship For Product Dialog


7.Using the Select Relationship for Product dialog you can search for the relationship that you would like to add.

8.Select the relationship that you want to add and click <Add> to add it to the product. Note: You can select multiple relationships at one time by holding down your keyboard Control <Ctrl> key while selecting relationships.

9.The selected relationship is added to the product and now appears in the Edit Relationships dialog.


Relationship Added

Relationship Added


10.Click <Save> to save your changes.



Remove a Relationship from a Product

To remove a dealer, manufacturer, plan, etc. from a product, complete the following steps:

1.Search for a product by entering your desired search parameters and clicking <Search by Name> or <Search by Number>.

2.Select a product from the Products list view.

3.Click on the <Relationships> button to view the Edit Relationships dialog.


Edit Relationships Dialog

Edit Relationships Dialog


4.Use the Entity drop-down list to view the dealers, manufacturers, plans, etc. currently tied to the product.

5.Select the type of relationships that you wish to modify from the Entity drop-down list (Dealer, Manufacturer, Plan, etc.). The Edit Relationships dialog displays all of the dealers, manufacturers, plans, etc. currently tied to the product, depending on the relationship selected in the Entity drop-down list.  

6.Select the relationship that you want to remove in the Edit Relationships Dialog.


Relationship Selected to Remove

Relationship Selected to Remove


7.Click <Delete> to remove the relationship from the product. Note: You can select multiple relationships at one time by holding down your keyboard Control <Ctrl> key while selecting relationships.

8.The selected relationship(s) is now removed from the product and no longer appears in the Edit Relationships dialog.


Relationship Removed From Plan

Relationship Removed From Plan


9.Click <Save> to save your changes.


See Also:

Products Screen

Products Screen Details

Search for a Product


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