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Creating a New Form/Receipt

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Creating a New Form/Receipt

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Your GOLDPoint Systems account manager is responsible for creating and modifying forms and receipts used in CIM GOLDTeller. Forms include items such as the Balance Sheet, checks, Teller Totals, and Hold Exception notices (for deposits). These steps provide a basic outline of how to create a new form or receipt, but there is more to these steps that your GOLDPoint Systems account manager must set up for your institution.



Note: Receipts must be set up and modified by GOLDPoint Systems. Programming is often involved. Contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager or send in a work order if you would like to change any wording on receipts.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: If clients have a Word® file they want to use for receipts, see GPS Only: Creating Receipts from Text Files. Also see: GPS Only: Creating Receipts in WinTerm topic.



You must have a security option set in order to make changes to Print Form Design. See the GOLDTeller Security Features section for security option Forms Design for more information.

blueminustoggleComplete the following steps to create a new form.




If you are a GOLDPoint Systems account manager, see the GPS Only: Creating Receipts in WinTerm topic.



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