Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Investor Group Screen > Group Information tab > Cutoff and Reports field group >


Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Investor Group Screen > Group Information tab > Cutoff and Reports field group >


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Use the Reports field to indicate report numbers for the particular reports your institution wants generated for the investor group being created/edited.


Report numbers must be entered in this field using two-digit codes in ascending numeric order. Use a comma to separate code numbers in this field (for example: “05,46,51,70"). Do not enter any spaces in this field. Up to eight reports can be indicated per investor group.



Note: For the SBA 1502 Reports (FPSRP020 and FPSRP163), refer to the linked Loan Reports manual in DocsOnWeb. The report request is set up on the Loans > Investor Reporting > Investor Master screen.


Possible entries in this field are as follows:





05Investor Trial Balance of Loans Serviced
06Loan Participation Payoff Report
10Investor Loans Added and Removed Report
11Norwest or FHLB of San Francisco Actual/Actual Investor Report
15Colorado Housing Report
16Investor Trial Balance of Loans Serviced with Short Name
17Investor Loan Rate Change Report
29Investor Remittance for FHLB of San Francisco Scheduled/Scheduled
32Norwest Scheduled/Scheduled Investor Report
34Investor Activity Report
37FHLMC Loan Level Reporting Tape and Report
40FNMA (2010) Investor Report
43Investor Single Debit Report
45Investor Remittance Report for Multiple Investors
46Investor Collection Report
47Investor Remittance Report
48Investor Loan Exception Report
49FHLMC Trial Balance Report
50*FNMA – Loan Activity Report and Report on Laser Tape
52Investor Remittance Report (Scheduled/Scheduled)
53GNMA 11710A Investor Report
66RFC Monthly Activity Report
67Utah Housing Loan Activity Report
70*FHLMC – Tape - Reporting - Form 308 Report
71FNMA Rate Change Report and tape (if option is turned on)
72LIP Investor Collection Report
74Investor Remittance to FHLB of Indianapolis, IN Report
78Investor Remittance Report (Totals Only)
87RFC Remittance Reconciliation Report
88LIP Investor Remittance Report
91Investor Loans Sold Report
91ADealer New Loan Report 2
92Dealer Loan Trial Balance
93Investor Oregon Housing Loan Activity Report
94Dealer Loan Collection Report
97FNMA Active/Removed Trial Balance Report


* If your institution wants to use tape reports, it must submit a work order with GOLDPoint Systems. Allow two weeks for the setup to take place.


The Dealer Loan Added This Month report can be created by submitting a work order with GOLDPoint Systems.

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