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CDT Sweeps to External Account for Custodial Accounts

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CDT Sweeps to External Account for Custodial Accounts

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You can create Customer Directed Transfers (CDT) sweeps to transfer custodial funds automatically to an external account using ACH. This may be needed if you work with investors who request all funds be deposited into their preferred banking accounts (not at your institution).


For this to function properly, the following fields must be set up on the deposit account using the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen:


Minimum Balance Limit (DMMNBL): This field designates the minimum amount of funds that will initiate the sweep. For example, if you want to ensure that at least $100 is always in the deposit account, and anything above that amount can be swept to an external bank account, you would enter “100.00” in this field. If this field and the Maximum Sweep Balance field are zero, all funds in the Current Balance are swept to the external account.


Maximum Sweep Balance (DMMXBL): This field indicates the maximum amount of funds to transfer to the external account. For example, if the Maximum Sweep Balance is 10,000.00, and the Current Balance on the account is 12,000.00, when the CDT transfer occurs, the system will only move 2,000 and leave 10,000 in the account.
Both limits must be zero to move the entire balance to the external account.
Note: You should only enter an amount in either the Minimum Balance Limit or Maximum Sweep Balance fields, not both. If you do enter an amount in both, the Maximum Sweep Balance field takes precedence. If the Current Balance (DMCRBL) is at the limit entered, then no processing occurs.


oIf Maximum Sweep Balance is not zero and the Current Balance is more than the Maximum Sweep Balance, the sweep amount will be: Current BalanceMaximum Sweep Balance.


oIf the Maximum Sweep Balance is zero and Minimum Balance Limit is greater than zero, with the Current Balance greater than Minimum Balance Limit, then the sweep amount is: Current BalanceMinimum Balance Limit.


Sweep Funds Out (DMSWPO): This option must be checked.


Never Automatically Close Account (DMNACL): This field must be checked.


See these fields on the Deposit Additional Fields screen:


Click to expand.

Click to expand.


Setting Up the CDT Record


Users will then set up the Customer Directed Transfers screen to include the following information. (Note: This step requires CIM GOLD version 7.20.7.)


1.The Receive/Send/Both drop-down field must be set to "Send" (DXGO = "Y").

2.The Frequency field should be blank. The system will transfer the funds daily when the Current Balance is more than the Minimum Balance Limit, but the Transfer Date (DXDTNP) field will not be updated if the Frequency is set to blank instead of daily (225). That field should not be updated in these cases. (The transfer occurs when the account balance exceeds the set limit.)

3.Distribution Type field (DXTPC1) must be set to "S – Sweep."

4.Distribution Method must be set to "ACH – Automatic Clearing House (DXACH)."

5.The account number of the external bank must be entered in the Account number field (DXCTAC).

6.The routing transit number of the external bank account must be entered in the R/T Nbr field (DXCTRT).

7.You don’t need to enter a memo in the Memo field, the system will discard it when the ACH batch is transmitted.


The following example shows the important fields on the Customer Directed Transfers screen that must be set up in order to sweep funds to an external account:


Click to expand.

Click to expand.


CDT Transfer Transaction


When the system sends CDT transfers in the afterhours, it uses tran code 1130-02. This isn’t a transaction you’ll find in CIM GOLDTeller. This is a behind-the-scenes transaction. This transaction works as follows:


This transaction will generate the ACH transfer and update the CDT fields only when the withdrawal is successful.

The system will use deposit TORC 341 (Automatic Withdrawal to External Destination) for this transaction.

The combination of the Send (DXGO = Y), Sweep (DXTPC1 = S), ACH (DXACH = Y), and Sweep Funds Out (DMSWPO = Y) will initiate the 1130-02 transaction to run in the afterhours, as well as the following.

The transfer transaction amount sent to the external bank account will be the amount greater than the Minimum Balance Limit or greater than the Maximum Balance Limit, as described above. If those fields are blank, the entire Current Balance amount will be zeroed and transferred to the external account.


Afterhours Update Function


The process is initiated by afterhours update function 46 (Sweep Account Processing) in the deposit afterhours. Your GOLDPoint Systems account manager will set up that option to run "NXTDAY." The process is done today for tomorrow’s totals at the end of afterhours.


Tying Loans to Investors


After adding the investor group and master information on the Investor Group screen and Investor Master screen, when loans are originated, they can be tied to those investors and groups, and details of the account will show on the Loan Investor Fields screen. However, sometimes you need to tie loans to investors after they've been originated. In that case, use the Securitization screen to tie loans to investors after the loans have been opened.


Once the loans are properly set up with investors, the funds can be appropriately deposited into the investor's deposit account when payments or other transactions are made (as established on the Investor Calculations tab) and swept to an external account using the CDT function, as described in this topic.


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