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Management tab

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Management tab

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Use this tab to indicate the management features of the product being created/edited. For more information about creating product codes, see the Entering Product Codes help page.


Use the Last Account Used field group at the top of this tab to indicate the most recent account number to use the product code being created/edited. When the system is allowed to automatically assign account numbers for an institution, it uses the selected account as the starting account number when creating new customer accounts with the current product code. The list view on this tab displays the Office and Account numbers of customer accounts that have been previously designated by your institution in these fields. To create an account and add it to the list, press <Create Account>, enter an Office and Account number, and press <Save Account>. Select an account item in this list view and press <Save Account> to designate it for the system to use in assigning account numbers with the current product code.



Deposits > Definitions > Product Codes Screen, Management Tab


Use the Advertising Message field (mnemonic PCADVC) to indicate an advertising message code for the product. To learn more about advertising messages and message codes, see help for the Deposits > Definitions > Advertising Messages screen.


Use the Minimum and Maximum Range fields (mnemonic PCLOWA/PCHGHA) to indicate the range of customer account numbers that will be available for use by the product code. These fields are only used as a range for the actual customer account number. The branch number is supplied by the operator at the time a new account is opened, and the system will calculate the correct check digit for the new account number. During new account setup under the product code, the system can automatically select the next available account number from this range (for more information on how this is done, refer to Vol. 1: Master Menu Functions, Chapter 15: New Accounts in DocsOnWeb). For example, if the Minimum Range is 000100 and the Maximum Range is 000999, then only accounts 100 through 999 can be opened using the product code, regardless of which branch they are in. Using this example, account number 01 000641 13 would be valid, but 03 101111 11 would not because 641 falls in the range but 101111 does not.


Use the Management Summary Report Category field (mnemonic PCMGTS) to indicate the product's management report category. This field determines how the product will be grouped on the Management Summary Report (FPSDR021). Management report categories must first be set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Report Categories screen before they can be used in this field.


Use the Inactive Product Code field (mnemonic PCINAC) to indicate whether the product code is active on the system. If this field is marked, no new accounts can be opened using the product code.

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