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Advertising Messages Screen

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Advertising Messages Screen

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Use this screen to set up advertising messages to print on customer deposit account statements, maturity notices, and GOLDTeller receipts. For information about setting up advertising messages on loan statements, see help for the Miscellaneous > Advertising Messages > Advertising Message screen.


This screen can be accessed under Deposits > Definitions or Loans > System Setup Screens in CIM GOLD. When accessed from the Loans System Setup Screens, this screen is called CIF Advertising Messages.


See the Advertising Message Institution Options help page to learn more about the institution options that enable the advertising message feature. Time periods to retain advertising message information in the system can be adjusted for your whole institution on the Deposits > Definitions > System History Retention screen.



Advertising Messages Screen


The list view on this screen displays any advertising message item previously set up by your institution. Each item in the list view includes its Advertising Code number, Advertising Message text, the Date it was created, the Time of day it was created, and the teller number and name of the employee at your institution who last Updated it. Advertising messages are created and added to this list view by clicking <Create New>, filling out the Advertising Code and Advertising Message fields (see table below), and clicking <Save Changes>. Existing messages can be edited or deleted by clicking on them in the list view.


See Message Examples for examples of different kinds of advertising messages that could be set up on this screen.


The fields on this screen are as follows:




Advertising Code


Mnemonic: ARADCD

Use this field to indicate a code number that corresponds to the type of statement or notice the text entered in the Advertising Message field below will appear on. See below for more information.


Advertising Message


Mnemonic: ARLINZ

Use these fields to indicate the advertising message that will appear on the customer deposit account statements and maturity notices for the statement or notice type or product (or branch) code specified in the Advertising Code field above.


Different statement message options can be designated for savings, checking, certificate, and retirement account types. For example, in the savings system, all statements can receive the same message. At the same time, a different message can be used for each checking account based on the product code. See help for the Advertising Code field above for more information.


Up to six lines of information can be entered on this screen for each advertising message. Different lengths per line are used for different types of advertising messages. This information will be printed on statements and notices according to the institution options enabled and the Advertising Code entered.



Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the FPAR record (Regular Advertising). You can run reports for this record through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See FPAR in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in this record. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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