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Email Configuration Tab

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Email Configuration Tab

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The Email Configuration tab shows all the people who currently receive e-mail alerts. You can use this tab to add, edit, or delete recipients.


Learn more about:

Creating email recipients

Deleting email recipients

Editing email recipients



Note: This screen can be accessed only by GOLDPoint Systems employees.


Screen Example

See the following example of the Email Configuration Tab followed by field and button descriptions.


Email Configuration Tab

Email Configuration Tab


Field Descriptions




Email Configuration list view

The Email Configuration list view shows all the people who currently receive e-mail alerts. You can use this list view to add, edit, or delete recipients. The following columns display information and can be used to sort:


Name: Displays the name of the person who receives e-mail alerts.

Email Address: Displays the e-mail address that alerts are sent to.


Button Descriptions




<Create Recipient>

Click this button to open the Create Email Recipient dialog and create an e-mail recipient.


Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Configuration list view and click this button to open the Edit Email Recipient dialog to modify the highlighted e-mail recipient.


Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Configuration list view and click this button to delete the highlighted e-mail recipient.


See also:

Global Configuration Screen

Global Configuration Screen Details

Dealer System


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