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Application Settings Tab

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Application Settings Tab

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The Application Settings tab helps you configure eGOLDTrak. This screen is used to modify SSL, e-mail, WCF, and Cert settings. Changes made to this screen affect all institutions using eGOLDTrak. Click <Save> to save any changes made to this screen.


Learn more about updating application settings.


Note: This screen can be accessed only by GOLDPoint Systems employees.


Screen Example

See the following example of the Application Settings Tab followed by field and button descriptions.


Application Settings Tab

Application Settings Tab


Field Descriptions




WCF Connection URL

This field displays the URL used for the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) connection.

Use SSL Email

Check this field to use a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection to secure e-mail. SSL creates a secure, encrypted connection between the e-mail client application and the server.

Email Port

Enter the e-mail port to be used by eGOLDTrak in this field.

Email Server

Enter the e-mail server to be used by eGOLDTrak in this field.

Email Alert From

Enter the e-mail address used to send e-mail alerts to eGOLDTrak users in this field. This e-mail address will appear in the From: field of the e-mail when eGOLDTrak users receive an e-mail alert.

Email Process Interval

Enter the lapse of time between processing e-mails in this field (in seconds).

Email User

Enter the e-mail user in this field.

Email Password

Enter the password used to secure the e-mail user in this field.

WCF Port

Enter the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) port to be used by eGOLDTrak in this field.

Cert Password

Enter the password used to secure the Certificate (Cert) file in this field.

Cert File

Enter the name of the Certificate (Cert) file to be used by eGOLDTrak in this field.

Integration Test Mode

Check this field to run eGOLDTrak in integration test mode.

Announcements Attachment Path

Enter the path to the folder where the announcements will be stored on the server.


Button Descriptions





Click this button to save any changes that you have made.


See also:

Global Configuration Screen

Global Configuration Screen Details

Dealer System


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