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Add Dealers to a Dealer Group

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Add Dealers to a Dealer Group

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Once a dealer group is created, you can use the Dealer System > Dealers screen in CIM GOLD to add and remove dealers from that group.


Add Dealers to a Dealer Group

To add dealers to a dealer group, complete the following steps:

1.Navigate to the Dealer System > Dealers screen using the CIM GOLD tree view on the left-hand side of the screen.

2.Perform a search for the dealer using the Dealer Search fields at the top of the screen.


Dealer Search

Dealer Search


3.Select the dealer in the Dealers list view on the Dealer System > Dealers screen.


Dealer Selected in Dealers List View

Dealer Selected in Dealers List View


4.Select the dealer group that you want to add the dealer to from the Dealer Group drop-down field.


Dealer Group Field with a Dealer Group Selected

Dealer Group Field with a Dealer Group Selected


5.Click <Save> to add the dealer to the dealer group selected in the Dealer Group field.


Click <Save> Button to Add to Dealer Group

Click <Save> Button to Add to Dealer Group


The dealer has now been added to the dealer group. To add more dealers to a dealer group, repeat the steps above. To see how to view all of the dealers in a dealer group, see the section on Viewing Dealer Groups.


See also:

Dealer Groups Screen

Dealer Groups Screen Details

Dealer System


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