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Running Transactions for MICR Checks

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Running Transactions for MICR Checks
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With the MICR option turned on, your check format set up, the check format tied to your transaction, and check number verified, you are ready to run transactions and print MICR checks.  



In CIM GOLDTeller, process a transaction that requires a Check Out, such as exemplified in this Payoff transaction (tran code 580) below. Note: If you leave the Check Out field blank and click sendbutton, Check Writer pops up and the amount of the Check Out is automatically populated for you.




Enter the parameters for the transaction, and then click sendbutton. Important Note: Do not enter the Check Out Number. If a check number is entered, the system assumes that a pre-printed check is being requested, and the MICR check printing will be bypassed. When this field is left blank, the system assumes you are processing a MICR check. If you know you will always be using MICR checks, you can hide all the Check Out Number fields from transactions (using the Transaction Design function). However, you need to consider what your procedures will be in the event of being offline when running transactions.


After you click sendbutton, the Check Writer screen is displayed, as shown below. (Note: You may have to first enter an override.)




Most of the fields are entered for you on this screen. Notice that the Check Number field is not file maintainable. You can make changes to the Payee Lines if you need to.


Click okbutton. The check is printed to the printer designated on the transaction. (See Tying Forms to Transactions.)


A record of the check is sent to Check Reconciliation.



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