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Get Next Check Number

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Get Next Check Number
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CIM GOLDTeller Functions menu > Administrator Options > Next Check Number


In order to use CIM GOLDTeller MICR checks, you must set up the next check number to be used by the checks. This can be done in two places: GOLD Services > Next Available Check Number screen or in CIM GOLDTeller under Functions > Administrator Options > Next Check Number screen. Once the next check number is set up, the system uses that number, then increments it by one for each subsequent MICR check that is printed. This number is required.


When printing checks from Check Writer and using MICR checks, the Check Number field is disabled. You are not allowed to enter the Check Number from the Check Writer screen if printing MICR checks. Instead, the system keeps track of each MICR check that is printed and increments the check number on the Get Next Check Number screen by one. See the Check Writer help for more information.


See the following example of the Get Next Check Number screen:


CIM GOLDTeller Functions Menu > Administrator Options > Get Next Check Number Screen

CIM GOLDTeller Functions Menu > Administrator Options > Get Next Check Number Screen


You can override the check number from the various places where checks are printed (e.g., Loans > Check Printing > Reserve Checks screen; Deposits > Check Printing > Deposit Checks; etc.), unless you are printing MICR checks. All check records are sent to Check Reconciliation.


In addition to setting up this screen, you must enter the routing and account number for each office at your institution that uses MICR checks. You can enter this information on the GOLD Services > Office Routing Info screen.


UNAC Option


If your institution has the UNAC option set up, the Check Out Number on the transaction must be verified against the next check number on the Get Next Check Number screen. If the Check Out Number entered on the transaction does not match the Check Number on the Get Next Check Number screen, the transaction is canceled and will not process.


However, if you use MICR checks, you may not want to bother with checking whether or not the Check Out Number matches the next check number. Consequently, you should check the Don’t Validate Check Number box for MICR checks if you use the UNAC option. That way, the system will not require tellers to validate the check number, because with MICR checks, the check number is automatically entered for the teller.


To set up the next check number:


Access the Get Next Check Number screen (CIM GOLDTeller Functions menu > Administrator Options > Get Next Check Number), as shown above.


Click createnewbutton. The fields on this screen open up to allow information to be entered.


Enter the office number for the check type you want to enter in the Office field. Click the list icon listicon in the field to the right if you want to see a list of available offices. These offices must already be set up on the GOLD Services > Office Information screen. See the example below:





In the Check Type field, click the list icon listicon and select the type of check you want this check number tied to. The check types are set up specifically for your institution by your GOLDPoint Systems account manager using the GOLDPoint Systems > MICR Check Types screen. You can set up a different starting check number for each office that uses the same check type. For example, you may have a check type called "GOLDTeller MICR Checks." You can set up office 0001 to use the starting number of 0200 for those types of checks; then set up office 0002 to use the starting number of 0250 for the same check type.


Enter the initial check number the system will start with in the Check Number field. If this number is not included, you will receive an error message when attempting to print MICR checks from CIM GOLDTeller.


If your institution uses the UNAC option and you do not want transactions validated against the next check number, check the Don't Validate Check Number box. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked. If institution option UNAC (use next available check number) is turned on, the Check Out Number on the transaction is verified against the Check Number on the Next Available Check Number screen (this screen). If the check number does not match, the transaction does not process. If using MICR checks, you will want to check the Don't Validate Check Number box, because the check number is automatically entered for tellers when printing MICR checks.


Click savechangesbutton.


See also:

MICR Check Printing

Creating MICR Checks for Use in CIM GOLDTeller

MICR Check Field Descriptions


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