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Dealer System

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Dealer System

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Wire Transfers Added to Dealer Payment Options


CMP: 14203

Work Order: 58218

CIM GOLD Version 7.20.12


Note: This release is for a specific institution (328).

We have added a new dealer payment option for a specific institution. Dealers of this institution can now pay the institution using a wire transfer.


In order to allow wire transfers, we have updated the Payment Options drop-down field for this institution. We have added “Wire” to the options available in the drop-down list. The Payment Options drop-down field is on the Dealer System > Dealers screen in CIM GOLD (see below).


The Payment Options drop-down field is used to establish how a dealer pays your institution for dealer fees (e.g., recourse costs, dealer reserve, participation, etc.).


Note: This release is for a specific institution. If you are interested in adding wire transfers to your dealer payment options, please contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: This new payment option is set up for institutions using the Payment by Wire option on the Dealer System & Promotion Options screen accessed by clicking “Dealer System & Promotion Options” on the Institution Data tab on the Dealer System > Institution Configuration screen. You also need to make sure "Wire" is included in the PaymentOptsType drop-down list on the Dropdown Configuration tab on the Dealer System > Institution Configuration screen.


New Wire Option in the Payment Options Drop-down Field

New Wire Option in the Payment Options Drop-down Field




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