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Original Loan Disclosure list views
There are two list views visible on the right side of the Original Loan Disclosure screen. See below for more information about these list views.
This list view displays information concerning insurance policies purchased by the customer during loan origination.
A letter may appear next to premium amounts for certain account statuses: C = Canceled and E = Expired. Insurance policies may be expired or canceled due to loan renewals. For more information on loan renewals, see the help for the Prior Loans list view. Insurance policies can be canceled using the Loans > Insurance > Adjustments screen.
The possible types of insurance policies that can appear in this list view are accident and health (A/H), life, auto, property, unemployment, and homeowner.
Depending on the type of insurance policy, two or three of the following pieces of information will appear beneath the corresponding insurance type in the list view:
This list view displays a list of accounts from which the customer loan account was renewed (if applicable).
For example, if a customer had a car loan with only $1,000 left on the balance, and that customer was offered another loan that paid off the balance of the car loan (that balance being added to the amount of the new loan), then the car loan would be closed and the new loan would be opened with a new number. The car loan account number would be displayed in this list view.
Click any column header to organize the list view by that column's information type. |