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Finance Charge Information tab

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Policy Detail Screen >

Finance Charge Information tab

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This tab is used in conjunction with Forced Placed VSI Insurance for loans with precomputed interest (payment method 3). The finance charge is the amount of interest added to the VSI premium. This amount is amortized each month and posted to the General Ledger. In addition, if the policy is canceled using the Cancel VSI transaction (2890-00), the unamortized amount is refunded to the customer as a principal decrease.


The amount of the finance charge is credited (or debited if a refund) to the General Ledger account set up for your institution using the Unearned Interest (Payoff/Force Place Ins) field on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > GL Account By Loan Type screen.



Note: In Illinois, the insurance finance charge will accrue from the date opened instead of the first due date. The finance charge earnings are 1/30 of the monthly amortization for every day past the date opened. Once 30 days have been earned, your institution will continue to earn the same amount until the first due date.



Loans > Insurance > Policy Detail Screen, Finance Charge Information Tab


The fields on this tab are as follows:




Original Amount


Mnemonic: INNORG

This field displays the original finance charge amount for the selected insurance policy.



Note: You should not make changes to this field on this screen. Making changes to this field may require the P/I Constant to change, and changing the Finance Charge Original Amount here will not change the P/I Constant, nor will it credit your institution's applicable General Ledger account number. Instead, use the Loans > Insurance > Adjustments screen to cancel the insurance policy and use the Loans > Insurance > Force Place  to create a new force-placed VSI insurance policy.

Remaining Amount


Mnemonic: INNREM

This field displays the remaining amount of the finance charge that has yet to be earned by your institution (according to the Amortization Method). This amount may be refunded back to the customer if the selected insurance policy is canceled early, according to the Refund Method (see below).



Note: You should not make changes to this field on this screen.

Amortized Amount


Mnemonic: N/A

This field displays the amount of the finance charge that has been amortized to your institution's General Ledger account. See below for more information.


Date Last Amortized


Mnemonic: INNAMD

This field displays the date the insurance finance charge was last amortized on the customer loan account.

Effective Date


Mnemonic: INNEFF

This field displays the amortization start date of the finance charge. This date is usually the same as the date the selected insurance policy was opened or the customer loan account was funded.

Refund Method


Mnemonic: INIMET

Use this field to indicate the method used to refund the finance charge in the event the selected insurance policy is canceled or the loan is paid off early. See below for more information.


Amortization Method


Mnemonic: INIFCM

This field displays the method used to amortize the finance charge on the insurance policy, if applicable. See Amortization Methods for more information.

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