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Cancellation Information field group

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Cancellation Information field group

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The Cancellation Information field group shows details concerning the cancellation of an insurance policy, if applicable.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Cancellation Date


Mnemonic: INCAND

Use this field to indicate the date the selected insurance policy was canceled (if applicable). Insurance will be amortized to this date.

Cancellation Code


Mnemonic: INCANC

Use this field to indicate the reason the selected insurance policy was canceled (if applicable). Insurance policies can be canceled using the Loans > Insurance > Adjustments screen. See below for more information.


Cancellation Reported


Mnemonic: INLRPD

Use this field to indicate the date the selected insurance policy was reported as canceled to an insurance company. This field is only used in connection with insurance companies designated by GOLDPoint Systems.


When a new policy is canceled, this field should be left blank. At the end of the month, the system will check for canceled policies using the Cancellation Date (see above). If there is an indicated Cancellation Date and this field is blank, the policy will be included in a transmission and the date of transmission will automatically be entered in this field. In the following month, the policy will not be reported.


This date is used to determine when to send the policy information, rather than the month the policy was canceled. This allows your institution to cancel a policy effective for a prior month (backdate the cancellation) and still be able to report the cancellation several months after the cancellation was effective.



WARNING: This is a required field in reporting canceled policies. If this field is left blank, the cancellation will be included that month on a transmission and could result in your institution receiving duplicate refunds.

Refund Amount


Mnemonic: INVSIR

Use this field to indicate the amount of the insurance refund in the event of cancellation.

IRS Owner Death Date


Mnemonic: NDDTDT

This field displays the death date of the customer (if applicable).

New Policy 1st Reported


Mnemonic: IN1RPD

Use this field to indicate the date the selected insurance policy was reported as a new policy on a transmission to an insurance company. This field is only used in connection with insurance companies designated by GOLDPoint Systems.


When a new policy is created, this field should be left blank. At the end of the month, the system will check for canceled policies using the Cancellation Date (see above). If there is an indicated Cancellation Date and this field is blank, the policy will be included in a transmission and the date of transmission will automatically be entered in this field. In the following month, the policy will not be reported.


This date is used to determine when to send the policy information, rather than the month the policy was canceled. This allows your institution to cancel a policy effective for a prior month (backdate the cancellation) and still be able to report the cancellation several months after the cancellation was effective.



WARNING: This is a required field in reporting new policies. If this field is left blank, the policy will be included that month in a transmission and could result in your institution receiving duplicate bills for a new policy.

Company Indicator


Mnemonic: INCOPT

Use this field to indicate the company from which the selected insurance policy was purchased. This field is only used in connection with insurance companies designated by GOLDPoint Systems.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The insurance companies in this list are set up on the GOLDPoint Systems > IMAC Tables (select FPINCOPT (Insurance Company Indicator Descriptions)).

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