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Analysis Detail list view

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Update Review Screen >

Analysis Detail list view

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This list view at the bottom of the Reserve Analysis Update Review screen displays displays further information about the analysis selected in the Analysis Summary list view.


The columns in this list view are as follows:



This is the office and account number of each loan that was included in the reserve analysis. Double-click on an entry in this list view to go to the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail screen for that customer loan account.


Last Analysis:

This is the date the analysis was processed. The Last Analysis Date field on the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis screen is file maintained and becomes this date when the update is processed.



This is the amount of the surplus that will be refunded to the borrower either by check or by lowering the payment. The Surplus Amount field on the Reserve Analysis screen is file maintained and becomes this value when the update is processed. Warning: The Surplus Amount field is used when surplus checks are created.



This is the deficiency in the reserve account. It is the actual amount the reserve balance is below zero. This amount will be collected from the customer based on information entered on the Reserve Analysis screen.


Second Reserve 1 Payment:

This is the new Reserve 1 payment that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Second Reserve 1 Effective Date:

This is the new Reserve 1 effective date that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. This field is file maintainable on the Account Reserve Detail screen. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Third Reserve 1 Payment:

This is the new Reserve 1 payment that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. This field is file maintainable on the Account Reserve Detail screen. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Third Reserve 1 Effective Date:

This is the new Reserve 1 effective date that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. This field is file maintainable on the Account Reserve Detail screen. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Second Reserve 2 Payment:

This is the new Reserve 2 payment that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. This field is file maintainable on the Account Reserve Detail screen. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Second Reserve 2 Effective Date:

This is the new Reserve 2 effective date that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. This field is file maintainable on the Account Reserve Detail screen. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Third Reserve 2 Payment:

This is the new Reserve 2 payment that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. This field is file maintainable on the Account Reserve Detail screen. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Third Reserve 2 Effective Date:

This is the new Reserve 2 effective date that will be file maintained by the system on the Account Reserve Detail screen the night of the update date. If that date is a holiday or non-processing day (Saturday), the update will happen the night before. This field is file maintainable on the Account Reserve Detail screen. Note: You can set up an option that determines whether the analysis processing occurs after or before non-processing days using the Reserve Analysis Options screen.


Click any column header to organize the list view by that column's information type.

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