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Account Information field group

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Account Information field group

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This field group displays basic information about the customer loan account.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Current Balance


Mnemonic: LNPBAL

The current balance owed by the customer (including principal and interest).

Current Due Date


Mnemonic: LNDUDT

The current due date of the loan.

Payment Method


Mnemonic: N/A

The payment method code on the loan. This code determines how to calculate interest and what rules to follow in processing the loan account. This information is pulled from the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen.

Original Maturity Date


Mnemonic: MLOMAT

The Maturity Date for the loan at origination.

Original Payment Amount


Mnemonic: LNOPIC

The payment amount for the loan at origination.

Original Term


Mnemonic: LNTRMO

The term in months for the loan at origination.

Original Rate


Mnemonic: OTORAT

The interest rate of the loan at origination. If the loan is precomputed (payment method 3), the rate of add-on interest will be displayed in this field. Add-on interest is interest that is computed at the beginning of the loan then added to the principal (so that all must be repaid, even if the loan is paid off early).

Current P/I Constant


Mnemonic: LNPICN

The current payment amount for the loan.

Next P/I Constant


Mnemonic: LNPINX

If a scheduled payment is set up on the Payment Schedule tab, this field displays the amount of the next payment due according to that schedule.

Pending Payment Date


Mnemonic: LNPIEF

If a scheduled payment is set up on the Payment Schedule tab, this field displays the date of the next payment due according to that schedule.

Current Interest Rate


Mnemonic: EFRATE

The current interest rate on the loan. This information is pulled from the Interest Rate field on the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen.

Current Term


Mnemonic: LNTERM

The current term in months for the loan.

Maturity Date


Mnemonic: LNMATD

The current maturity date fore the loan. This date is when the last payment is due and the loan should be fully paid off.

1st Mortgage Balance


Mnemonic: LNBAL2

The balance of the first mortgage, if the loan is a second mortgage. The amount in this field is used to calculate the original and current loan-to-value ratios.


The P/I Payment field still reflects the normal principal and interest payments on modified Payment Schedules. However, the Next P/I Constant field displays the new modified amount, as does the amount for recurring payments. See the Loans > Account Information > Payment Information screen for more information about recurring payments.

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