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In House Transfer Office and Account Number field group

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In House Transfer Office and Account Number field group

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This field group only appears on the screen if "XFR - In-House Transfer" is selected in the Distribution Method field. If the "XFR - In-House Transfer" distribution method is selected, enter information in this field group in order to complete the customer directed transfer (CDT) being created/edited.




The fields in this field group are as follows:






Mnemonic: DXCTOO

Use this field to indicate the office number for the in-house CDT.



Mnemonic: DXCTAA

Use this field to indicate the customer account number for the in-house CDT.

Check Digit


Mnemonic: DXCTCC

Use this field to indicate the check digit of the customer account that the CDT is drawing upon.


Use the Receive/Send/Both field to specify whether the CDT is incoming, outgoing, or both.


If the Distribution Type and Distribution Method combinations are as follows, the to/from account information will be entered in the Account To and Account From history descriptions on the Deposits > Definitions > System History screen as well as the customer's print and Web statements:


Distribution Type "A - Auto Deposit," Distribution Method "XFR - In-House Transfer"

Distribution Type "S - Sweep," Distribution Method "XFR - In-House Transfer"



Note: Normally, when a customer directed transfer takes place, the account number used in the transfer is displayed in the transaction description in system history. To exclude the account number from history descriptions, your institution needs to enable OP33 MTAH. Contact GOLDPoint Systems for more information.

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