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History List View Columns

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History List View Columns

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The History list view contains all history items that match the search criteria established in the Select By field group on the History screen. Click on any column header to organize the list view by that column's information type.


The columns in this list view convey the following information:



Use this field to indicate whether the selected history item should be included on the history statement. Note: Make sure transactions that offset each other (credits and debits) are skipped at the same time so the history statement is balanced.


The process for printing statements is explained on the History main screen help page.


The date the history item occurred.


The time of day the history item occurred.


A description of the history item. This will be either the transaction's default description (customized by tellers) or its ATM/POS description.

Tran Code

The transaction code number of the history item. See the Transaction Code help page to learn more about transaction codes.

Transaction Amount

The amount of the history item, if the history item is a transaction.

Account Balance

The balance of the customer account following the completion of the history item.


The transaction type of the history item, if the history item is a transaction. Possible transaction types are:


Csh - Cash Transactions

Chk - Check Transactions

Jnl - Journal Transactions

ACH - ACH Transactions

ATM - ATM Transactions

COR - Corrected Transactions

FTM - Foreign ATM Transactions

PRF - Proof Processing


The teller or employee number of the person who performed the history item. Certain symbols included in this column convey additional information about the history item:


* - Memo transaction


@ - Linked check image (If GOLDPoint Systems does not print your statements and you still want this image indicator set, Institution Option SIMG must be enabled). See the Check Imaging screen for more information about check images.


& - Memo transaction and linked check image

More Description

Any additional information entered about the history item.

Check #

The check number of the inclearing check presented by the customer as payment on the account.

Trace #

The GOLDPoint Systems trace number for the Check # (explained above) presented by the customer as payment on the account.


The penalty applied on the customer account, if the history item involves assigning a penalty.


The amount withheld from the customer account, if the history item involves assigning a withholding.


This column indicates whether the history item is tied to an imaged statement, if the history item is a check transaction. See the Check Imaging screen for more information about check images.

Record Type

The record type of the history item. Possible record types are:


AA - Account Analysis

DA - Incoming ACH

DM - Account Master

DO - OTC Holds

DT - Stop Payments

DU - UCF Holds

DX - Customer Transfers

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