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General Ledger Account Number field group

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General Ledger Account Number field group

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The General Ledger Account Number field group on the Customer Directed Transfers screen only appears if "GL - General Ledger" is selected in the Distribution Method field. If the "GL - General Ledger" distribution method is selected, enter information in this field group in order to complete the customer directed transfer (CDT) being created/edited.


This field group contains a single field: GL Account, a user-entry file-maintainable field wherein the General Ledger Account number (limit 20 digits) is entered to specify the account being used in the CDT.


For sweep accounts from a G/L account to a deposit account, or vice versa, this field also holds information for the ACH Payee Account (DXCTAC).


Use the Receive/Send/Both field to specify whether the CDT is incoming, outgoing, or both.


Sweep to G/L Account


You can set up CDT sweeps where funds go to a G/L account, or vice versa. For example, you can assign deposit account interest to sweep to a G/L account (instead of to an ACH transfer, another deposit account, or a check).


Another example would be to sweep funds from a G/L account into a deposit account when it goes negative.


For this to happen, the following must be set up:


1.The deposit account must be designated to allow sweeps in and out. To do this, check the Sweep Funds In (DMSWPI) and Sweep Funds Out (DMSWPO) options on the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen. If those options are not checked, and you attempt to set up Distribution Type "S - Sweep" on the CDT screen, the following error message will be displayed and you will not be able to successfully set up this transfer: "Sweep In or Out Feature must be set for Distribution Type S."


2.On the Customer Directed Transfers screen, click <Create New>.


3.Set the Receive/Send/Both field to "Send."


4.Enter today's date in the Start Date field.

5.Leave the Transfer Amount and Transfer Date fields blank. The amount of the transfer will be the amount of interest earned for that period. The Interest Frequency field (DMINFQ) on the Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen will determine when the CDT is transferred. You should also make sure the Interest Destination on the Interest Fields screen is set to "02 - Transfer Interest by CDT."


6.Se the date when you want the CDT G/L sweeps to start in the Start Date field.

7.The Frequency field must be set.

8.The Distribution Type field must be set to "S - Sweep."

9.The Distribution Method field must be set to "G/L General Ledger." This opens up the General Ledger Account Number field.

10.Enter the G/L account number in the field provided.

11.Save your changes.


Now a sweep will occur according to the frequency selected and funds will move from the deposit ACH account to the G/L (or vice versa) accordingly.



Note: Normally, when a customer directed transfer takes place, the account number used in the transfer is displayed in the transaction description in system history. To exclude the account number from history descriptions, your institution needs to enable OP33 MTAH. Contact GOLDPoint Systems for more information.

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