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Costed Items list view details

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Costed Items list view details

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This list view on the Commercial Account Analysis screen displays costed items available to access for the customer account. See the Costed Item Codes list to learn more about the costed items available. Costed services are services that your institution charges the customer account to use.




All the fields in this list view are defaulted from your institution's setup records but can be customized. Click on any column header to organize the list view by that column's information type. The following table explains the columns displayed in this field.





This column contains the 2-digit code for each costed service. There are 79 predefined service codes and 20 user-defined codes available. Some costed fields are updated when certain transactions are processed. If an automatic costed field is used, the item count will be incremented when the transactions (listed with the applicable codes) are run. All user-defined codes must be manually updated. See the Costed Item Codes list to learn more about these codes. Live automatic transactions are marked with one asterisk, and proof automatic transactions are marked with two asterisks.


This column contains the description corresponding to the selected costed service Code. See the Costed Item Codes list to learn more about these codes.

Cost per Item

This column contains the cost per item for the selected service. For example, you can charge $3.00 for money orders (Code 07). Your GOLDPoint Systems client account specialist can help you set up these charges, or refer to the main screen help for more information.

Item Count

This field contains the estimated number of items processed for the selected service. This number is multiplied by the cost per item to arrive at a total cost for the selected service.

Default To

This column contains the default number (count) for the selected service. If a number is not entered or displayed in the Item Count column, then the number in this column will be used to calculate the cost for the selected service for the current Statement Cycle (from the  Deposit > Account Information > Account Information screen). There are certain services, such as account maintenance, that you may want to charge for each month, even if no "Item Counts" are processed. By setting up this field within a code, you will be able to automatically assign a value for a specified service each month. The value in this field will be multiplied by the value in the Cost per Item column. For example, for account maintenance (code 01), the Cost per Item displays "10.00." No numbers appear in the Item Count column, and "1" appears in the Default To column. The system will charge the customer account "10.00" because 1 X 10 = 10.


This column indicates whether the Waive field has been marked.

Cost Protected

This column indicates whether the Cost field is file maintainable for the selected costed service. This option is adjusted in GOLDVision on the Defaults screen in the Protect Cost field .

Count Protected

This column indicates whether the Count field is file maintainable for the selected costed service. This option is adjusted in GOLDVision on the Defaults screen in the Protect Number field.


In order for this screen to be used on a customer account, institution analysis setup records must first be created and an option enabled on the account. This process is explained on the Account Analysis Setup help page.

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