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Account Analysis Setup

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Account Analysis Setup

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In order for the Commercial Account Analysis screen to be used on a customer account, institution analysis setup records must first be created and an option enabled on the account. This process is explained here.


Step 1: Decide which of the pre-defined service charge codes, float methods, and rate pointers are going to be used as a basis for the commercial analysis service charge. This is done on the Defaults screen by entering a check next to the services desired. There are 79 pre-defined codes available, plus 20 that are user-defined. A list of the available codes and more information on that screen can be found on the Costed Services Institution Defaults help page.


Step 2: Mark the Account Analysis field and place the appropriate default number in the Analysis Default field on the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen. Conversely, changing the Account Analysis field from marked to blank will delete any existing account analysis record and any related services already accumulated.


If the Charge Fees field is not marked, the customer account will never be charged for Account Analysis. This allows you to process the analysis reports and statements for this account for a specified period of time to analyze the profitability of the account without actually service charging the account.

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