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Message Examples

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Message Examples

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The following advertising message types could be set up from the Advertising Messages screen:


Certificate Retirement Maturity Notice Message

A message can be printed on your maturity notices. It can be six lines and 60 characters per line, based on the windows on your envelope.


Excessive Negative Fees

Use this message (999903) for all deposit checking statements to inform customers that they have more than six negative-limit fees assessed on their account. The message can be six lines and 60 characters per line. This message is used to help you comply with FDIC Best Practices for Regulation E with regard to courtesy overdraft fees.


This message will print before the standard statement message on statements where more than six fees have been assessed in the current 12-month period.


For checking accounts on combined statements, this message will be printed for each account that has more than six fees. In cases of multiple accounts, the message will be duplicated. The standard combined statement message will not be affected.


GOLDTeller Receipt Messages

A message up to one line long can be set up for loan and deposit transaction receipts. You must determine the actual length of this message based on your printer and the size of your receipt. It will be added to the bottom of your receipts.


Statement Messages

You can choose a different deposit account statement option for savings, checking, certificate, and retirement account types. Messages can be 60 characters per line and six lines long. For example, in the savings system, all your statements can receive the same message. At the same time, you can use a different message for each checking account based on the product code. The following are institution options for each type of account listed above:


1.Prints one message for all statements.
2.Prints different messages for each product code.
3.Prints different messages for each branch.



Note: An institution can select only one of these methods to set up advertising messages for each type of deposit account statement. If you select method 1, one message for all statements, see the System-Wide Advertising Message suffixes help page to learn which suffixes should be used. If you select method 2, Product Codes, you would use the codes as indicated in the Statement Messages By Product Codes section below. If you select method 3, different messages for each branch, see the Statement Messages by Branch section below for more information.


Statement Messages by Product Codes

Messages can be 60 characters per line and six lines long. If your institution option has been set up to enable the creation of statement messages for each product code, then you select the prefixes for either combined savings, checking, certificate, retirement, and/or maturity notices. After determining the type of statement and entering a prefix, enter the product code number to further define the type of statement within each system.


For example, when creating a statement for each of the different products your institution offers for checking accounts, first enter the prefix “04” and then enter the four-digit product code. If you had a product code of “0001” for a checking statement, you would type "0001" after the "04" in the Advertising Code field. The advertising message will print on all statements defined in the same way.


Statement Messages By Branch

Messages can be 60 characters per line and six lines long. If your institution option has been set up to enable the creation of statement messages for each branch, then you enter prefixes for either savings, checking, certificate, and/or retirement notices. After determining the type of statement and entering the prefix, enter a branch code to further define the type of statement within each system.


For example, when creating a statement message for each of the different branches your institution has for checking accounts, first enter the prefix “04” (type of statement - checking), followed by the branch code. If you had a branch code of "0001" and wanted to set up advertising messages on checking statements for that branch, you would enter "040001" in the Advertising Code field.


Combined Statement Messages

Messages can be 60 characters per line and six lines long. Combined messages set up with 02XXXX (where XXXX can be any number you choose) allow you to customize a message for specific combined statements. If you set up message number 022222, all combined statement setups that have no entry in the Advertising Code field (NAADVC) on the Customer Relationship Management > Customer Profile > Customer Info tab, Addresses tab will default to this message number and print the message as indicated on the statement.

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