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Web Preferences Tab

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Web Preferences Tab

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The Web Preferences tab shows all the institutions that you can set up eGOLDTrak Web preferences for. You can use this tab to view and update Web preferences. The Web Preferences tab accesses the Institution Preferences screen. Learn more about the Institution Preferences screen below.


Learn more about updating Web preferences for an institution or learn about searching for Web nodes.


Note: This screen can be accessed only by GOLDPoint Systems employees.


Screen Example

See the following example of the Web Preferences Tab followed by field and button descriptions.


Web Preferences Tab

Web Preferences Tab


Field Descriptions





Enter information in this field to narrow the results displayed in the Institutions list view and to display only those institutions that match the information entered in the Search field.


For example, if you enter "GOLDPoint" in the Search field, only institutions with GOLDPoint in their name will be displayed.

Institutions list View

The Institutions list view shows all the institutions that you can set up eGOLDTrak Web preferences for. You can use this list view to view and update Web preferences. The following columns display information and can be used to sort:


Inst #: Displays the number of the institution.

Institution Name: Displays the name of the institution.


Click on an institution's name to open the Institution Preferences window to view and update the Web preferences for that institution. You can click on "Institutions" at the top of the screen to return to the Institutions list view at any time.


Button Descriptions





Click this button to log out of the Web Preferences.



Institution Preferences Screen


From the Web Preferences tab you can access the Institution Preferences screen for a specific institution. On this screen you can update the Web preferences for an institution and search for Web nodes.


See the following example of the Institution Preferences screen followed by icon descriptions.


Institution Preferences Screen

Institution Preferences Screen


Icon Descriptions




Search Icon (DSGC_WebSearchIcon)

Click this icon to search for a Web node.

Expand All Nodes Icon (DSGC_WebExpandAllNodesIcon)

Click this icon to expand or open all of the collapsed arrows.

Collapse All Nodes Icon (DSGC_WebCollapseAllNodesIcon)

Click this icon to collapse or close all of the expanded arrows.

Edit Icon (DSGC_WebEditIcon)

Click this icon to view or edit the Web node.

Save Icon (DSGC_WebSaveIcon)

Click this icon to save any changes made to a Web node.

Default Icon (DSGC_WebDefaultIcon)

Click this icon to revert the Web node back to its default state and settings.

Return Icon (DSGC_WebReturnIcon)

Click this icon to return to the previous screen.

Exit Icon (DSGC_WebExitIcon)

Click this icon to exit the screen.


See also:

Global Configuration Screen

Global Configuration Screen Details

Dealer System


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