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Creating a drop-list field

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Creating a drop-list field
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Creating a drop-list field is a multi-step process.


1.You must create the fields in the System Field Dictionary. See System Field Dictionary for more information.


2. You must create the drop-list using the View/Modify Droplists function. See View/Modify Droplists for more information.


3.The final step is to assign a field to that drop-list. See the following steps.


Assigning a field to a drop-list


1. Access the Functions > Administrator Options > Transaction Design screen.
2. Scroll to find the transaction with the field you want to assign a drop-list. When you've found it, click on it. It will appear in the transaction design area to the right.
3. Right-click the field you want to assign a drop-list. In the example below, we are assigning an insurance type drop-list to a field. The GOLDTeller Transaction Field Properties box is displayed.
4. Select the Droplist radio button in the Field Type.
5. Select the droplist you want for this field. (This should have been already created using steps 1 and 2 in the multi-step process described above.)
6. Click <OK>.
7. Click <Save> on the Transaction Design screen.
8. Click <Preview> to view your changes.




Example of the drop-list:





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