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Reports for the search results displayed in the Check Detail list view are available by right-clicking anywhere in the list and selecting the desired report, or clicking on the <Reports> button. Each report can be printed either directly from CIM GOLD by selecting "Print" or "Print Preview" from the report menu, or exported to a tab-delimited text file, Report Manager, or Microsoft® Excel®.


Reports printed directly from CIM GOLD are formatted to fit all the data on one page in either portrait or landscape orientation, depending on the report. When reports are exported directly to Excel, each data field will be found in its own row/column to allow for quick data comparison.


report options example



Note: The report options will be grayed out until you perform a search on the Check Detail screen.


Each report includes the following options:


Selecting "Print" or "Print Preview" from the report menu allows you to print the report directly to a printer of your choosing. When you select this method, the reports will print similarly to the following CIM-GOLD generated format.



Example of Check Reconciliation Report as it appears in the CIM-GOLD generated format


Export the report to a tab-delimited text file. If you select this option, a message will appear asking you where you want to save the report. Once you have saved the report, you can open it in any word processor or even into Microsoft's free program, Notepad®. See the following example of a saved text report opened in Notepad.



Example of Check Reconciliation Report exported to Notepad


Report Manager is GOLDPoint System's robust program for viewing text reports. When you select this option, CIM GOLD will first ask you to save the report. Once you select a place to save the report and click <Save>, Report Manager will automatically open with the report displayed. For more information on the features and functions of Report Manager, see the Report Manager User's Guide on DocsOnWeb. The following is an example of a report as it appears in Report Manager.



Example of Check Reconciliation as exported to Report Manager


Excel® is a familiar data-processing program developed by Microsoft®. If you select this option, a message will appear asking you to save the report. Once you select a place to save the report and click <Save>, Excel will automatically open with the report displayed. From there you can use Excel's features to manipulate and utilize the report however you need. The following is an example of a report as it appears once it has been exported to Excel.



Example of Check Reconciliation Report as exported to Excel



Reports printed directly from CIM GOLD are formatted to fit all the columns of data on one page in either portrait or landscape orientation, depending on the size of the report table. When reports are exported directly to Excel, each data field will be found in its own row/column to allow for quick data comparison.


The following sections describe these reports and provide an example of each report. You can also set up Check Reconciliation records in GOLDWriter, as explained below.


hmtoggle_plus1Check Reconciliation Detail Report


hmtoggle_plus1Check Reconciliation Summary Report


hmtoggle_plus1Check Register Report


hmtoggle_plus1Checks Transmitted Report


hmtoggle_plus1External Summary Report


hmtoggle_plus1External Deposit Report



Note: The following codes may appear at the bottom of reports depending on the dates showing in the Issued Date and Voided Date fields. They are useful in deciphering the totals at the bottom of the detail, summary, and register reports.



Void/cross reference check and/or break in sequential check numbering


Issued, but not voided from <date range>, not included in void totals


Voided, but not issued from <date range>, not included in issued totals


Issued but not cleared from date range


Check issued and transmitted, then voided with a new sequence. Not included in the Issued Totals.




GOLDPoint Systems' report-building program, GOLDWriter, can also produce reports using Check Reconciliation fields and their matching mnemonics. The Check Reconciliation record is known as FPCR in GOLDWriter. For more information on GOLDWriter, see the GOLDWriter User's Guide on DocsOnWeb.


The following mnemonics are available:





Check Number


Check Sequence




Issued Amount


Issued Date


Cleared Amount


Cleared Date


Transaction Code


Modifier Code


Origination Office


Transaction Origination Code


Check Entered Manually?


Office Number


Account Number


Check Digit


Check Status


Source of Check


Reconciliation Trace Number


Routing/Transit Number


Bank Account


Last Updated On


By Employee




Also see

Check Detail Screen help

Check Reconciliation System

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