Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > Institution Options Screen > GOLD ExceptionManager tab >

Deposits - Descriptors and Fees Tab

Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > Institution Options Screen > GOLD ExceptionManager tab >

Deposits - Descriptors and Fees Tab

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Use the GOLD ExceptionManager > Deposits - Descriptors and Fees tab on the GOLD Services > Institution Options screen to define deposit fee and descriptor options available to customize within your institution for GOLD ExceptionManager (GEM). Some institution options are maintained by GOLDPoint Systems.


GOLD Services > Institution Options Screen > GOLD ExceptionManager Tab > Deposits - Descriptors and Fees Tab

GOLD Services > Institution Options Screen > GOLD ExceptionManager Tab > Deposits - Descriptors and Fees Tab


The Descriptor and Amount fields on this tab are as follows:




Return Fee



Institution Option: RTFD, OFEE


Use these fields to indicate the descriptor number and fee amount that will be used for every exception item returned through GEM. If you credit a return fee in GOLDTeller, you need to use this same descriptor.


Exception items are returned through normal processing (from the GEM Process Exception Items screen) or they can be created through the GEM Create Returns screen.

Paid Exception Fee



Institution Option: PNFD, PNFA


Use these fields to indicate the descriptor number and fee amount that will be used for every exception item paid through GEM. If you credit a paid fee in GOLDTeller, you need to use this same descriptor.

Overdraft Fee



Institution Option: ODFD, ODFM


Use these fields to indicate the descriptor number and fee amount that will be used for every exception item using overdraft funds. If you credit an overdraft fee in GOLDTeller, you need to use this same descriptor.

Charge Back Fee



Institution Option: CBFD, CBFA


This Descriptor field displays 21, the descriptor number used by the system for every exception item posted as a chargeback fee. This field is for informational purposes only and cannot be changed. Use the Amount field to indicate the fee amount that will be used when a chargeback is processed in GEM. See the Charge Backs screen for more information.

Automatic A/H NSF Fee



Institution Option: ODDS, ODFE


Use these fields to indicate the descriptor number and fee amount that will be used for items rejected as non-sufficient funds in the afterhours (if your institution uses this feature). These fields can also be used for items that force an account negative (which is also a feature your institution may or may not use). If you credit the afterhours fee in GOLDTeller, you must use this same descriptor.

Miscellaneous Fee



Institution Option: MSFD, MSFA


Use these fields to indicate the descriptor number and fee amount that will be used for every exception item (when only a fee is processed).

Automatic A/H Negative Fee



Institution Option: NGDS, NGFE


Use these fields to indicate the descriptor number and fee amount that will be used for afterhours negative fees. If you credit the afterhours fee in GOLDTeller, you must use this same descriptor.

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