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Example of Finished Letter

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Example of Finished Letter

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The following examples show a letter with the merged fields followed by an example of a letter with a customers' actual data filled in. For more information on how to print event letters, see Printing and Saving Event Letters.


For information on creating 3-Up letters, see 3-Up Notices.


Example of Letter with Merged Fields:










Welcome to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company. We thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your financial needs.  If you have any questions about your account <<FORMATTED_LOAN_NUMBER>>, please feel free to call.


At this time, we would like to confirm that we have entered your information correctly.  Our records show your beginning balance of <<ORIGINAL_PRINCIPAL_BALANCE>> and your Social Security number as <<IRS_OWNER_SSN>>.  If these are not correct, call one of our account representatives.


This loan opened on <<DATE_OPENED>> for a term of <<TERM>> <<TERM_TYPE>>, with an interest rate of <<INTEREST_RATE>>.  This loan will mature on <<MATURITY_DATE>>.





John Doe







Example of Finished Letter with Data Filled In:




Polly W. Cracker

620 Pelican Drive

Provo, UT 84604




Dear Polly:


Welcome to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company. We thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your financial needs. If you have any questions about your account 0001 1112223 04, please feel free to call.


At this time, we would like to confirm that we have entered your information correctly. Our records show your beginning balance of $6,000.00 and your Social Security number as 123-45-6789. If these are not correct, call one of our account representatives.


This loan opened on 02-27-2013 for a term of 12 months, with an interest rate of 8.75000.  This loan will   mature on 02-27-2014.






John Doe

New Accounts Manager






See also:

GOLD EventLetters Setup Procedures

Appendix A - Merge Field Descriptions

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