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Past Due Notices (Loan events 44, 45, and 46)

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Past Due Notices (Loan events 44, 45, and 46)

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Past Due Notices can be generated and printed by GOLDPoint Systems, or you can choose to generate the letters yourself and print them at your institution. GOLD EventLetters allows you to generate, create, and print past due notices to your customers from your institution.


Creating your past due notices in GOLD EventLetters eliminates any delay getting notifications to your customers; notices can be printed and mailed the same day (after the nightly afterhours has run). It also allows you to control the verbiage and appearance of your notices by setting up the wording in Microsoft® Word, which eliminates any delay when a form change is needed from GOLDPoint Systems.


Note: Past Due Notices can either be automatically generated using the Notice Type fields on the Late/NSF tab of the Account Detail screen, or you can manually request late notices using the Event, Letter, and Date fields on the Actions/Holds/Event Letters screen. However, if you do set up late notices manually from the Actions/Holds/Event Letters screen, you must have a Letter number as well. See the Events field description on the Action/Holds/Event Letters screen for more information.


To automatically generate late notice records in GOLD EventLetters, you will need to do the following:


1.Create your notices in Microsoft® Word by following the steps in Tying Data Source Files.  


2.Request that your loan account manager turn on events 44, 45, and/or 46 (institution option EVNT).


3.Input the applicable event code (event codes 44, 45, 46) in the Notice 1, 2, 3 Type fields located on the Late/NSF tab of the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen in CIM GOLD (as shown below). Also include the days after the due date when the notices will be generated by entering the days in the Notice 1, 2, 3 Days fields. For example, the notice type displayed in Notice 1 Type will be generated in GOLD EventLetters in the afterhours of the 10th day after the due date if "10" is displayed in Notice 1 Days. The notice type displayed in Notice 2 Type will be generated on the 15th day after the due date if "15" is displayed in Notice 2 Days. The notice type displayed in Notice 3 Type will be generated on the 25th day after the due date if "25" is displayed in Notice 3 Days.



Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen, Late/NSF Tab


Contact your loan account manager if programming help is needed to populate these fields. You will also need to modify any loan patterns containing this information as well as GOLDTrak PC, if applicable.


4.Determine if you would like a separate report reflecting late notices only and notify your loan account manager to set up FPSRP018. If a separate report is not needed, any notices generated to accounts will be included in the Event Letter Report (FPSRP175) with other event letters generated on the same day.
Important: You can use some or all of the events, but each event is only valid in the specified field, as follows:
Event 44 is ONLY valid in the Notice 1 Type field.
Event 45 is ONLY valid in the Notice 2 Type field.
Event 46 is ONLY valid in the Notice 3 Type field.
Note:  Events 44, 45, and 46 will not generate for loans with the following hold codes:


Hold Code



Foreclosure completed




Bankruptcy - Chapter 7, 11, or 12


Bankruptcy - Chapter 13


Deed in lieu of foreclosure


Legal hold, but only if accompanied with charge-off


Legal hold or in Foreclosure


Loan in Default


Judgment, but only if accompanied with charge-off


Voluntary Surrender


Repossession by Grantor


If you do not want event letters 44, 45, or 46 generated for an account, make sure the Notice Type fields on the Account Detail > Late/NSF tab are blank.


Loans with a general category of 80 and above or loans with an origination code of 3, 15, or 16 (loans purchased/serviced by others) will not create event letters.


Past Due Notice Report Options


Past due notices generated through GOLD EventLetters will appear on the Event Letter Report (FPSRP175) with other event letters generated on the same day. Notify your GOLDPoint Systems loan account amanger if you would like this report set up for your institution.  


A separate past-due notice only report (FPSRP018) can be run daily identifying the accounts that had notices generated in GOLD EventLetters. Refer to the Loan Reports Manual in DocsOnWeb for examples of both reports.


GOLDPoint Systems Only:


A separate Past Due Notice report (FPSRP018) can be generated for notices generated through GOLD EventLetters with the following modifications to the report setup:


Pull field 12 (Late Notice Code 1) must include notice code 44.

Pull field 13 (Late Notice Code 2) must include notice code 45.

Pull field 14 (Late Notice Code 3) must include notice code 46.


To create a follow-up date for events, enter a number from 0 to 99 in positions 5–6 of the Miscellaneous Parameters field for FPSRP175.


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