Navigation:  Internet and Phone Systems Screens > User Profile Screen > Administrator tab >

Multi-Factor Authentication Settings Field Group

Navigation:  Internet and Phone Systems Screens > User Profile Screen > Administrator tab >

Multi-Factor Authentication Settings Field Group

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Use this field group to indicate multi-factor authentication settings for the selected user. Settings can be indicated for Personal/Company users (if this field group is accessed from the Administrator tab) or Sub-Users (if this field group is accessed from the Sub-User tab).


Multi-factor authentication is required by federal regulations and used by banking websites as a safeguard of information security. Multi-factor authentication protects customers from online predators by requiring multiple pieces of information to validate their identity (mnemonic SIURID).


Default values for these fields are set on the Internet and Phone Systems > Setup > User Profile Security Defaults screen.




Two different forms of multi-factor authentication can be set up in this field group, and both can be used concurrently. One form is an Image that has been previously selected by customers to verify their connection to your institution's legitimate Web site when they log in. The second form (risk-based authentication, or RBA) is a question (or series of questions) which customers must answer correctly to verify their identity.


Use the fields in this field group to indicate multi-factor authentication settings for the selected remote user:


Mark either of the On checkboxes (mnemonic SIIMG/SIRBA) to indicate that the corresponding multi-factor authentication form (Image and/or RBA) is used by the selected remote user at your institution.


Mark either of the Collect checkboxes (mnemonic SIIMGC/SIRBAC) to indicate that the selected remote user must change their current settings for the corresponding multi-factor authentication form (Image and/or RBA) next time they log in.


The Enrolled checkbox fields (mnemonic SIIMGE/SIRBAE) indicate whether the specific Image and/or RBA question have been indicated for the selected remote user.

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