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Access Settings Field Group

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Access Settings Field Group

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Use this field group to view and edit account access information for the selected user. The fields and buttons available in this field group depend on whether a Personal or Company account is being viewed (as explained on the User Profile Screen main help page) and whether this field group is accessed from the Administrator tab or the Sub-User tab.




The following buttons appear in this field group:


<Generate New Password> - Click this button to generate a new password for the user. A dialog will appear informing you of the disposition of the new password. Depending on your institution's setup, the new password will be displayed and/or a message will be sent to the customer's e-mail address or postal address. The new password will not contain the following special characters: (!), ($), (;), (:), (=), (.), or (,).


<eMail Current Password> - Click this button to e-mail the current password to the user's email address on file.


<eMail Company Number> - Click this button to inform company administrators that their Internet administrator security setup has been created and a company number (needed to log on) has been assigned. This button is only available when viewing a Company account on the Administrator tab. Clicking this button also sends an alert and adds an entry to the Internet and Phone Systems > User Activity Log screen.


The fields in this field group are as follows:




Restricted Login/Reason



Use this field to indicate whether the user's access to remote features must be restricted. If a condition occurs that would require user restriction, the system may mark this field automatically. If this field is marked, use the adjacent Reason field to indicate a brief description for why the user's security has been restricted.

Force Password Change


Mnemonic: FPSIFPCG

If this field is marked, the selected user must change their password next time they log on to your institution's website. If a condition occurs that would require a user password change, the system may mark this field automatically.

Force Login Change


Mnemonic: FPSIFLCG

If this field is marked, the selected user must change their login name next time they log on to your institution's website. If a condition occurs that would require a user login change, the system may mark this field automatically.

Company Restricted


Mnemonic: FPSICRST

If this field is marked, the selected user's access to remote features at your institution is restricted. If a condition occurs that would require user restriction, the system may mark this field automatically.


This field is only available when viewing a Company account. This field does not appear if this field group is accessed from the Sub-User tab.

Mobile Access Restricted


Mnemonic: FPSIMORS

Use this field to indicate whether the user's mobile access to remote features must be restricted. If a condition occurs that would require user restriction, the system may mark this field automatically.

Gather Account Based On EIN/CID


Mnemonic: SIINSE

Use this field to indicate whether user accounts are gathered by Employer Identification Number and/or Customer Identification Number in the system.


This field is only available when viewing a Company account. This field does not appear if this field group is accessed from the Sub-User tab.

No Automatic Restriction/Deletion


Mnemonic: N/A

Mark this field to exclude the selected user from afterhours internet logon maintenance processes. Marking this field allows the user to continue using your institution's website without any restrictions based on periods of inactivity on the account.

Date Last Alert


Mnemonic: N/A

This field displays the most recent date an automatic login restriction or deletion alert was sent to the selected user.

Mobile Deposit


Mnemonic: SIMODP

This field is not currently used in CIM GOLD.

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