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Total Reserve Disbursements - This Analysis

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Total Reserve Disbursements - This Analysis

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No


Screen: Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis > Reserve Analysis tab


This field is the total of all reserve disbursement amounts set up on the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail screen. It only includes disbursements that are to be paid by the servicer. (Disbursement code 20 would be included but 21, fire insurance paid by borrower, would not be included.)


The amount this field will move to the Total Reserve Disbursements - Last Analysis field if you save this projection. See Analysis Options.


WARNING: If you have a disbursement code but no amount or date, that item will not be included. Also, if you have an expiration date in a prior month, it will not be included. Anything with an expiration date in the same month as the analysis will be included regardless of whether it is in the past or not.


For disbursements that are paid less often than yearly (such as three-year flood policies), an annual amount is determined. It is then multiplied by the number of years you should be holding until the next disbursement.


The reserve analysis statement analyzes for items that are paid less often than annually. For instance, it analyzes for items that are paid every three years rather than every 12 months. The sentence “As flood insurance is paid every three years rather than annually, the reserve balance may not reach its low point two of the three years” appears on the statement. The items in italics will change depending on the disbursement code and term.


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