Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Adjustments Screen >

Specialty Insurance field group

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Adjustments Screen >

Specialty Insurance field group

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The fields found in the Specialty Insurance field group on the Loans > Insurance > Adjustments screen are explained in the table below.






Insurance Type


Mnemonic: INTYPC

This field displays specialty insurance types, such as:


CCC (Continental Car Club)


Pkg1 (Insurance package your institution defines)


Select which specialty insurance type you would like to add from this drop-down list.


For more information, see the Recording claims and specialty insurance help page.



Mnemonic: OTACCC

Enter the premium amount for the specialty insurance policy you selected in the Insurance Type field above. For more information, see the Recording claims and specialty insurance help page.

Number Sold


Mnemonic: OTCCNS

This is the number of specialty insurance policies that have been sold for the specialty insurance entered in the Insurance Type field above.

Inception Date


Mnemonic: OTCCDI

This is the inception date (or policy start date) for the specialty insurance policy you selected in the Insurance Type field above.

Expiration Date


Mnemonic: OTCCEX

This is the expiration date for the specialty insurance policy you selected in the Insurance Type field above.

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