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Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager Screen

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Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager Screen

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Note: This screen is being discontinued by GOLDPoint Systems. Institutions should use the Loans > Insurance > Tracking Insurance screen instead. If your institution still uses this screen, please consider migrating to the Tracking Insurance screen soon. GOLDPoint Systems plans to completely remove this screen in future updates for CIM GOLD. If your institution still uses this screen, see field help below.


Use this screen to view and edit insurance information for the customer loan account.


The list view at the top of this screen displays insurance information previously entered for the customer loan account. The information displayed in this list view directly corresponds to information entered on this screen. Not all columns will be valid with all insurance types (see below).


To create an insurance item (and add it to the list list view), click <Create New>, enter information in the fields on this screen, then click <Save Changes>. To edit an existing insurance item, select an item in the list view to populate the fields on this screen with that item's information, then click <Save Changes>. The fields will then be available for editing. Insurance items can be deleted by selecting them in the list view and clicking <Delete>.


This screen's appearance changes according to the insurance type being created, viewed, or edited (as indicated by the radio buttons near the top of the screen). If the insurance type is:


Home Owners Insurance, this screen appears as shown on the Insurance Manager Screen: Home Owners Insurance help page.


Auto Insurance, this screen appears as shown on the Insurance Manager Screen: Auto Insurance help page.


Property Tax, this screen appears as shown on the Insurance Manager Screen: Property Tax help page.


Basic policy information fields appear beneath the list view regardless of which version of this screen is being viewed (however, these fields are not file maintainable on the Property Tax version of this screen). These fields are as follows:






Mnemonic: RDXTRM

Use this field to indicate the term of the insurance item being created/edited (in months).

Policy Nbr


Mnemonic: RDPLCY

Use this field to indicate the policy number of the insurance item being created/edited, as provided by the insurance company.

Effective From/to



Use these fields to indicate the date range when the insurance item being created/edited is effective. The system automatically calculates the Effective to field based on the values entered in the Term and Effective From fields.

Total Coverage Needed


Mnemonic: RDPCVR

Use this field to indicate the total dollar amount of coverage needed for the insurance item being created/edited. This value represents the amount it would cost to replace or rebuild a home, personal liability coverage, extra umbrella coverage (endorsements or clauses), etc. (see the Dwelling Coverage field for more information).

Annual Premium


Mnemonic: RDAMNT

Use this field to indicate the premium amount for the insurance item being created/edited.


You can also use the Loans > Insurance > Policy Detail screen to view details of an insurance policy.


In order to use this screen, you cannot use the Tracking Insurance screen. Institution Option RDIN must be disabled.



Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the CSRE record (Insurance Tracking). You can run reports for this record through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See CSRE in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in this record. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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