Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab > Analysis Options field group >

Skip Analysis

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab > Analysis Options field group >

Skip Analysis

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Entry: User, checkbox

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: LNSKPA

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab


This field is a checkbox with a default value of unchecked. This field applies only to the afterhours batch processing and excludes this loan from all afterhours analysis processing. In addition, another way to eliminate a loan from being analyzed is to not set up a Reserve Effective date in the Analysis Fields field group.


Note: There are no hold codes to stop analysis.


WARNING: If the Reserve Effective field is blank and you use payment coupons, the system treats this date as 02-01 and uses that date to stop/start coupons.


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